Vladimir Zatsiorsky: Mastering Strength Training Through his vision of Maximum, Repeated, and Dynamic Efforts

Vladimir Zatsiorsky: Mastering Strength Training Through his vision of Maximum, Repeated, and Dynamic Efforts


Vladimir Zatsiorsky is a name that resonates deeply within the world of sports science and strength training. A pioneer in the field, Zatsiorsky’s contributions have profoundly shaped the way we understand and implement strength training methodologies. His principles for organizing and categorizing strength training—Maximum Efforts (EM), Repeated Efforts (ER), and Dynamic Efforts (ED) — have become foundational pillars of modern strength and conditioning programs.

Zatsiorsky has conducted detailed analyses of various strength training exercises, examining the kinematics and kinetics involved. His research provides coaches and athletes with evidence-based guidelines for exercise selection and technique optimization. He has authored several texts that focus on strength training specifically for athletes. His work emphasizes the importance of tailoring training programs to the unique demands of different sports, considering factors such as movement patterns, energy systems, and injury prevention.

In this blog post, we’ll explore these three sorts of methods and delve into how Myoquality’s M1 device can further enhance their application, providing precise measurements and optimizing each training approach for athletes of all levels. By combining Zatsiorsky’s theoretical framework with cutting-edge technology, we can achieve a more nuanced and effective approach to strength training.

The Three Effort Methods: EM, ER, and ED

1. Maximum Efforts (EM)
What is Maximum Effort?

The Maximum Effort method is a strength training approach where athletes lift the heaviest possible weight they can manage for one or a few repetitions. This method is rooted in the concept of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), where the muscles are activated to their fullest potential to overcome a maximal load. The key goal of the EM method is to increase absolute strength—the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate.

The Science Behind Maximum Effort

When an athlete engages in maximum effort lifting, the central nervous system (CNS) is heavily involved. The CNS recruits the highest number of motor units possible to generate maximum force. Zatsiorsky emphasized that this recruitment is crucial not only for enhancing muscle strength but also for improving the efficiency of neural pathways that control muscle contractions. Over time, this leads to better synchronization and coordination among muscle fibers, which is essential for strength development.

Application of EM in Training

The EM method is typically employed with loads that are 90% or more of an athlete’s one-repetition maximum (1RM). This method is particularly effective in phases of training aimed at developing maximal strength, such as during the preparation for powerlifting competitions or in the later stages of periodized training programs. The high intensity and low volume characteristic of EM training make it an excellent tool for athletes looking to break through strength plateaus.

2. Repeated Efforts (ER)

What is Repeated Effort?

The Repeated Effort method focuses on performing multiple repetitions with submaximal weights—typically ranging from 70% to 85% of 1RM. The primary objective of this method is to increase muscular hypertrophy (muscle size) and improve muscular endurance. Unlike the EM method, which targets absolute strength, ER emphasizes building the muscle’s capacity to sustain force over a longer period.

The Science Behind Repeated Effort

Repeated effort training relies on the principle of progressive overload, where the muscle is gradually exposed to higher levels of stress through increased volume. This method induces greater metabolic stress and muscle fiber recruitment, leading to increased muscle cross-sectional area (CSA). The ER method also improves capillarization, mitochondrial density, and the muscle’s oxidative capacity, making it an essential component of endurance and hypertrophy training.

Application of ER in Training

The ER method is commonly used during the hypertrophy and endurance phases of periodized training programs. Athletes perform multiple sets (typically 3-5) with 6-12 repetitions per set. This method is widely applicable across various sports disciplines, particularly those requiring sustained muscle activity, such as football, soccer, and endurance sports. The moderate intensity and higher volume of ER make it a foundational approach for building muscle mass and enhancing muscular endurance.

3. Dynamic Efforts (ED)

What is Dynamic Effort?

The Dynamic Effort method focuses on lifting lighter weights (typically 40% to 60% of 1RM) as explosively as possible. This method aims to improve the speed and power of muscle contractions by optimizing the rate of force development (RFD). ED is crucial for athletes who require not just strength, but also the ability to apply that strength quickly, such as in sprinting, jumping, and throwing.

The Science Behind Dynamic Effort

Dynamic effort training capitalizes on the force-velocity relationship, where the velocity of a muscle contraction is inversely related to the load being lifted. By training with lighter loads at maximum speed, athletes can improve their ability to produce force rapidly—an essential component of power. Zatsiorsky highlighted that ED is particularly effective in enhancing the efficiency of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), a critical mechanism in explosive movements.

Application of ED in Training

The ED method is typically incorporated into the training programs of athletes who need to maximize their power output. This includes sprinters, weightlifters, and field athletes who benefit from the ability to generate high force in minimal time. Training with the ED method often involves performing multiple sets of 1-5 repetitions with a focus on maintaining maximum speed throughout the movement.

Integrating EM, ER, and ED: A Comprehensive Approach

Periodization and the Three Efforts

Zatsiorsky was a strong advocate for periodization, a systematic approach to training that involves dividing the training process into phases, each with a specific focus. The integration of EM, ER, and ED within a periodized program allows athletes to develop a well-rounded strength profile.

  1. Preparation Phase: During this phase, the ER method is predominantly used to build a solid foundation of muscle mass and endurance. This sets the stage for more intensive strength and power training in subsequent phases.
  2. Strength Phase: In this phase, the focus shifts to the EM method, where athletes work on increasing their maximal strength. The high intensity and low volume of EM training prepare the CNS and muscles for peak performance.
  3. Power Phase: The final phase emphasizes the ED method, where athletes train to convert their newfound strength into explosive power. This phase is crucial for optimizing performance in sports requiring quick, powerful movements.

Balancing Training Load and Recovery

One of the challenges in strength training is balancing the training load with adequate recovery. Each of the three effort methods places different demands on the body, and understanding how to manage these demands is essential for avoiding overtraining and injury.

  • EM: High intensity but low volume, requiring longer recovery periods between sessions.
  • ER: Moderate intensity and volume, with recovery focused on muscular adaptation and metabolic processes.
  • ED: Lower intensity but high neurological demand, necessitating adequate rest to maintain speed and power in subsequent sessions.

Enhancing Zatsiorsky’s Methods with the M1 Device

The integration of Zatsiorsky’s methods with the M1 device represents a significant advancement in the application of these principles. The M1 device provides precise, real-time data that can be used to optimize each training method, ensuring that athletes achieve the maximum possible benefit from their efforts.


Precision in Maximum Efforts (EM)

The M1 device allows for accurate measurement of force production during maximal lifts. By providing data on peak force, time under tension, and neuromuscular efficiency, the M1 helps athletes and coaches fine-tune their EM training. This precision ensures that athletes are lifting at their true maximum capacity, reducing the risk of injury from both overloading and underloading. The M1 also enables the measurement of maximum isometric force and allows athletes to train at velocities between 0.2 – 0.4 m/s in kinetic mode, or by using inertia as a stimulus, similar to a conical device with high inertial mass.

Optimization of Repeated Efforts (ER)

For ER training, the M1 device tracks variables such as volume load, set-to-set performance, and muscle fatigue. This data is invaluable for monitoring progressive overload and ensuring that the athlete is consistently challenging their muscles. Additionally, the M1 can provide feedback on the balance between intensity and volume, helping to optimize muscle growth and endurance without overtraining. Zatsiorsky would have recommended working with optimal loading percentages to improve structural factors. In this way M1 adapts perfectly during tonic or inertial modes simulating flywheels, with intermediate inertial masses. 

Enhancing Dynamic Efforts (ED)

When it comes to ED training, the M1 device excels in measuring the velocity of movement and rate of force development. The M1 provides direct feedback, letting you know if you’re reaching the desired power zone. By analyzing these metrics, coaches can ensure that athletes are maintaining explosive velocity throughout their lifts, which is critical for developing power. The M1 also tracks fatigue levels, ensuring that athletes do not sacrifice velocity for load, which can be counterproductive in dynamic effort training.

Case Studies: Applying M1 in Training Scenarios

Case Study 1: Powerlifting with EM and M1

A powerlifter in the strength phase of their training uses the M1 device to measure the peak force during their 1RM attempts. Using intra-set incremental loading, the athlete can reach their 1RM more efficiently, reducing the time required. Also using the kinetic mode at 0.2 m/s and by analyzing the data, the athlete discovers that their force production decreases after  seconds under tension, indicating a need to improve their starting strength. The coach adjusts the training program easily to include more explosive lifts and shorter duration max-effort sets, leading to an improvement in the athlete’s overall 1RM.

Case Study 2: Hypertrophy and ER with M1

A bodybuilder focused on hypertrophy uses the M1 device to monitor volume load and muscle fatigue during their ER sessions. The M1 data reveals that the athlete is reaching muscular failure at 10 reps on a specific exercise but can only perform 3 sets before experiencing significant fatigue. Also load can be adjusted really fast. Controlling the TUT coaches can adjust training intensity and add more recovery time between sets, allowing the athlete to perform more total volume, leading to increased muscle growth.

Case Study 3: Velocity Training and ED with M1

A sprinter in the power phase uses the M1 device to measure the velocity of their lifts during dynamic effort sessions. The M1 data shows a slight decline in velocity as the session progresses, indicating the onset of fatigue. The coach adjusts the session intensity, deciding the percentage of lost velocity or just by reducing the load slightly intra-set, ensuring that the athlete maintains maximum speed throughout the workout. This adjustment leads to improved power output and faster sprint times.The M1 ensures highly specific training tasks, allowing athletes to seamlessly transfer improvements in force production to critical moments during explosive movements.



  1. Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Kraemer, W. J. (2006). Science and practice of strength training (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics.
  2. Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Prilutsky, B. I. (2012). Biomechanics of skeletal muscles. Human Kinetics.
  3. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (1998). Kinematics of human motion. Human Kinetics.
  4. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (Ed.). (2000). Biomechanics in sport: Performance enhancement and injury prevention. Wiley-Blackwell.
  5. Schmidt, R. A., & Zatsiorsky, V. M. (2004). Motor control and learning: A behavioral emphasis (4th ed.). Human Kinetics.
  6. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (2013). Sport biomechanics: The basics. Human Kinetics.



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